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Why Our Minds Conjure the Paranormal

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Ghostly encounters, alien abduction, reincarnation, talking to the dead, UFO sightings, out-of-body and near death experiences and inexplainable coincidences. Are these legitimate phenomena? If not, how should we go about understanding them? In his new book, The Science of Weird Shit: Why Our Minds Conjure the Paranormal (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 2024), Dr. Chris French, Professor Emeritus at the University of London and founder of the Anomalistic Psychology Unit and former editor of the Skeptical Inquirer, investigates paranormal claims to discover what lurks behind them. He provides scientific, authoritative, evidence-based explanations for a wide range of mysterious phenomena, and then goes further to draw out lessons with wider applications to other aspects of modern society where critical thinking is urgently needed. French maintains that our belief in such phenomena is neither ridiculous nor trivial and insists that such claims can tell us a great deal about the human mind. Critics and readers call the book, “enlightening, entertaining, measured and mind-expanding.” Supplemental articles, videos, speakers that both support and refute French’s findings will enrich our discussions. Join us for a provocative, enlightening and lively learning experience into the unknown, unbelievable and unexplained.

Class Details

14 Session(s)
Weekly - Wed

Wieboldt Hall

MultipleInstructor :
1.Pamela Radke2.Dorothy Balabanos3.Carol Dietz 



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Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
3/5/2025 - 6/4/2025 Weekly - Wed 01:15 PM - 03:15 PM Chicago, Wieboldt Hall  Map Carol Dietz  ; Dorothy Balabanos  ; Pamela Radke 
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