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The Economist

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ClassGraphic The Economist weekly magazine is widely acclaimed for its thoughtful and stimulating analyses of world news, politics, and business. It also has sections on science, technology, books, the arts, and extensive reports on particular issues of current interest. This long-running study group is always looking for new members, interested in current events, who can enrich our discussions. Each study group participant is expected to lead or co-lead a weekly discussion, although in Summer and Winter this is not as important due to only four weeks of study. This involves selecting 8-12 articles from the current weekly issue and developing the questions needed to get the lively conversations started. Given the uncertainty of the mail, a digital subscription to The Economist is highly encouraged. Information on subscriptions is available at

Class Details

14 Session(s)
Weekly - Thu

Virtual - Any Location

MultipleInstructor :
1.John Donovan2.Elliott Hartstein3.Mark Goldberg4.Jennifer Gainer 



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Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
3/6/2025 - 6/5/2025 Weekly - Thu 01:15 PM - 03:15 PM N/A, Virtual - Any Location  Map Jennifer Gainer  ; Mark Goldberg  ; Elliott Hartstein  ; John Donovan 
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