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ClassGraphic Go behind the scenes at Northwestern University’s Wirtz Center to learn from and interact with artists producing the upcoming production of MAN OF LA MANCHA.

  • Friday, April 4, 1:15 p.m.– 3:15 p.m.: Background and context on Wirtz’s version of THE MAN OF LA MANCHA with guests from the cast and artistic teams. Q&A and discussion.(Ethel M. Barber Theater, 30 Arts Circle Drive, Evanston)
  • Friday, April 11, 1:15 p.m.–3:15 p.m.: Backstage tour and presentation from design and creatives.(Ethel M. Barber Theater, 30 Arts Circle Drive, Evanston)
  • Friday, April 25, 7:30 p.m.: Opening night performance and post-show talkback. (Ethel M. Barber Theater, 30 Arts Circle Drive, Evanston)
  • Cost: $40. Includes one ticket to the opening night performance, OLLI exclusive talk-back, tour, presentations, and discussion group sessions. 
  • Free parking on opening night.
Man of La Mancha is one of the world’s most popular musicals; the original 1965 production won five Tony Awards, including Best Musical. Inspired by Miguel de Cervantes’ 17th-century masterwork Don Quixote, Man of La Mancha was originally set during the Spanish Inquisition when Cervantes is in prison awaiting trial. This re-imagined version, directed by theatre department chair and Goodman Theatre Resident Director Henry Godinez, is set in a detention center on the US-Mexico border, where a growing group of migrants from across the world, being held and readied for deportation, are looking for safety and opportunity. Cervantes and his fellow prisoners perform a play-within-a-play, telling the story of the elderly Alonso Quijana, who renames himself Don Quixote and goes on a quest to right all wrongs in the world. The rousing score includes the classic numbers “The Impossible Dream,” “I, Don Quixote,” “Dulcinea,” “I Really Like Him” and “Little Bird.”

During this three-session study group, members will learn about the play’s themes, preview, and interact with the production’s scenic, costume, and lighting designs, tour the Wirtz Center, and attend opening night (April 25th) including a post-show talkback. For returning OLLI members, you will see familiar faces and spaces, but new creations are always in process at Wirtz!

Class Details

3 Session(s)
Days of the Week :Multiple Days of the Week :

Location : Ethel M. Barber Theater - Northwestern in Evanston Location : 
  Ethel M. Barber Theater - Northwestern in Evanston.

Instructor : Multiple Instructor :
 1.Ashley Walter  2.Aziza Macklin  3.Pete Brace  4.Lory Richards 



Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
4/4/2025 Fri 01:15 PM - 03:15 PM Evanston, Ethel M. Barber Theater - Northwestern in Evanston  Map Lory Richards  ; Pete Brace  ; Aziza Macklin  ; Ashley Walter 
4/11/2025 Fri 01:15 PM - 03:15 PM Evanston, Ethel M. Barber Theater - Northwestern in Evanston  Map Lory Richards  ; Pete Brace  ; Aziza Macklin  ; Ashley Walter 
4/25/2025 Fri 07:30 PM - 09:00 PM Evanston, Ethel M. Barber Theater - Northwestern in Evanston  Map Lory Richards  ; Pete Brace  ; Aziza Macklin  ; Ashley Walter 
/*NOV 14 2020*/